Visiting Curators Vienna 2024

Verein K is happy to launch the call for the residency program Visiting Curators Vienna 2024. For its fifth edition, four international mid-career curators will be chosen based on the quality of their work and the quality and relevance of the exhibition project(s) they submit.

The selected curators will get a chance to spend ten days in Vienna, 18. – 27.  November 2024. Verein K will advise the candidates before and during their stay as well as organise and facilitate meetings with artists and other representatives of the contemporary art scene, with the aim of helping them to establish long-term contacts in Austria. Travel and accommodation costs will be covered by Verein K.

The program is looking for curators who:

  • have curated exhibitions in museums and/or other art institutions

  • will realize an exhibition in the upcoming two years outside of Austria including one or several artist(s) based in Austria

Please include the following information in your application:

  • what have you curated before?

  • are there specific media, e.g. painting, new media, etc., that you are interested in?

  • what exhibition(s) are you planning? Please include a description of future show(s).

  • which are representatives (artists, curators, gallerists, etc.) of the Viennese contemporary art scene that you would like to meet during your visit?

  • do you wish to meet other curators who might like to collaborate?

This is what we offer:

  • help in selecting artists, curators and institutions relevant to your proposed project(s)

  • help in arranging meetings and visits according to your interests: visits of artistsʼ studios, off spaces, art collections, and guided tours of selected exhibitions

  • covering accommodation and travel costs, per diems

Selection will take into account gender balance and diversity. There’s no specific theme. The program will take place in English. 

Please send in one PDF your CV, a portfolio of relevant realisations and the proposals of one or several exhibitions where Austrian artists would be relevant by 7th July 2024 to
Multiple documents will not be accepted.

Since an increased international visibility of one or several artists based in Austria is an important aim of the program, it is crucial that participants keep us informed about the development and realisation of the proposed projects. Should something affect the feasibility of your proposal, please notify Verein K.

Verein K, founded in 2017, is an independent organisation with a focus on projects that critically engage with contemporary art and culture based in Vienna.

 To foster critical approaches to contemporary art, Verein K has developed different formats, starting with three programs: Crit Cross. A Forum on Art Criticism, a platform for critical reading and exchange with the aim to promote artistic and sociocritical dialogue in Vienna, residency program for international curators Visiting Curators Vienna as well as international art critics Visiting Critics Vienna who are interested in exploring Vienna‘s contemporary art scene. 


Rupert Residency Programme


IKT x Walter’s Cube Workshop on Virtual Curating