Peer-learning visit to Nantes, France

The European Heritage Hub 
project invites city representatives and heritage professionals to apply for its upcoming peer-learning visit in Nantes (France), taking place 6 – 8 November 2024. Organised in partnership with the City of Nantes, this programme offers a unique opportunity to share good practices and acquire skills for addressing environmental, digital, and social challenges related to cultural heritage in local contexts.

The visit is part of the Hub’s Open Call for Local Good Practices, launched in November 2023, recognising exemplary local solutions in cultural heritage that contribute to the green, digital, and social transformation of our society. Nantes was among the 10 selected practices having presented its project “Nantes Cultural Heritage 2.0 — Digital portal developed with citizens for discovery of the city’s heritage“, which will be the main focus of the visit.

Nantes Cultural Heritage 2.0 is an online platform where citizens access information on the everyday heritage of their city and neighbourhood. Citizens can contribute and become actors in the life of their city through subjects that bring them together and represent them. The project provides digital tours, articles and interactive cartography showcasing urban history, daily life, architecture, historical events, and the latest news on city heritage. The online platform was launched in May 2019. Since then, it has significantly grown: more contributors, more content, and new digital features have been developed to offer even more ways of discovering local heritage.

Furthermore, the visit will focus on the municipal cultural heritage policies, urban renewal projects related to the city’s industrial heritage, as well initiatives related to remembrance and inclusive storytelling.

Who can apply?

If you work in cultural heritage for a local, regional, or national administration, civil society organisation, cultural initiative, or project across Europe, including Ukraine, Moldova, Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia) and the Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia) – then this opportunity is made for you!

The group of maximum 20 selected participants will be composed of representatives from European cities and regions, but is also open to a limited number of cultural heritage stakeholders.

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

What’s in it for me?

A peer-learning visit is an opportunity for local decision-makers and stakeholders to spend time in another city and see first-hand relevant local solutions that can be inspiring for other regions and initiatives. It is a chance for meaningful exchanges among peers already active in cultural heritage as well as for those eager to transform their heritage projects and policies into more sustainable, innovative, and inclusive ones. 

Format & covered costs

The visit will last 2.5 days and 2 nights and will combine meetings with local policymakers and stakeholders, site visits, and facilitated solution-building workshops. The working language will be English.

The European Heritage Hub will cover travel and accommodation costs (2 nights) for participants as well as meals during the stay. The hotel booking will be taken care of by the organisers, however, the participants will book their individual travels to and from the destination – for which they will be reimbursed (in accordance with the European Commision’s unit costs). 

If selected, you will be contacted by our team at least a month ahead of the visit, to confirm and coordinate all the logistical aspects.


Make sure to apply by filling in this online application form.

The application period ends on 6 September 2024, before midnight CET.

For more information please consult the full call for applications here.


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