General Idea Fellowship

The National Gallery of Canada’s General Idea Fellowship encourages and supports advanced research in contemporary art. Research will relate to any aspect of contemporary art, including painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, printmaking, artist’s books and multiples, video, installation and other media, and emphasize the use and investigation of the collections of the National Gallery of Canada, including the Art Metropole Collection, the General Idea fonds, the AA Bronson collection, and related materials in the Gallery’s collections.


The fellowship is open to art historians, curators, critics, conservators, graduate students and independent and other professionals working in the visual arts or in museology and related disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, and is open to international applicants.


Fellowships of the National Gallery of Canada are tenable only at the National Gallery of Canada. Each award is limited to a maximum of $15,000, including expenses and/or a stipend. The term of each award is one calendar year beginning May 31, 2023. Exceptionally this year, the Fellowship can be carried out from September 2023 to September 2024.

The deadline for applications is August 20, 2023.


Open Call: Curator in Residence 2024 in Frankfurt


IKT Patron: Donald G. Wenzel Jr.