Meet Rebecca Hardy-Griffith

As part of IKT Congress 2023, we are going to visit HAUS artist’s studios to see a showcase of North Wales based artists, curated by Rebecca Hardy-Griffith.

Rebecca has worked as a freelance project coordinator and workshop facilitator for 15 years in Cardiff, London and North Wales. She is currently coordinating, designing and curating the Y Lle Celf, National Eisteddfod Llyn ac Eifionydd 2023, alongside coordinator and curator Menna Thomas.

Between 2018 and 2022, Rebecca has worked as the arts coordinator at Galeri Caernarfon, where she has curated and installed the annual open exhibitions, OPEN18, OPEN19 and OPEN21 as well as curated creative learning projects such as PORTFFOLIO, Codi'r Bar, ailGREU, Blasu Crefft, Olwyn Lliw. 

She is currently the chair of CARN, an artist network in North Wales with a multi-purpose artist-led space in Caernarfon.

She is also one fourth of an artist collective called MEWNrhwng with fellow creatives Jenny Cashmore, Najia Bagi and Gemma Lowe. 

Rebecca is also a multidisciplinary artist: from drawing, screen printing, photography, video, live art, sculpture to installations. Exploring materials and relationships between surface and object, color, layers, and patterns drives her process. She has exhibited throughout Wales in group exhibitions, most recently at Siop Mostyn, Oriel CARN, Aberystwyth Art Centre, Tŷ Pawb, Oriel Theatr Clwyd, Oriel Elysium Gallery, Disability Arts Cymru Art Award exhibition.

Learn more about Rebecca: Website | Instagram


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