Spotlight with Ombretta Agró Andruff
Ombretta Agró Andruff, Founder and Executive Director, ARTSail, Miami Beach, FL, USA
Could you tell us a little more about your background and how you got into curating?
I always knew I was interested in art, and luckily, while in University I realized that I did not have the talent to pursue a career as an artist, so curating seemed to be the best option at hand. I always loved interacting with artists, understanding their thoughts and creative processes, being a bouncing board when it made sense, and help them grow and evolve by providing a context and giving exposure to their work. Becoming a curator allowed me to do just that.
Who/what has influenced your curatorial practice?
I never studied to become a curator, I learned the trade by doing it. After graduating with a Major in Contemporary Art from the University of Siena, Italy, I moved to NYC. Initially I thought about pursuing a master in curatorial studies, however I got "sucked" in by the city life, its never-resting art scene, and the pleasure of creating exhibitions overtook my desire of studying the practice.
In my exhibitions I frequently work with a variety of media, often crossing the ever more porous boundaries between visual art, sound, dance, architecture and design, addressing the specific topic/issues the exhibition is exploring from a variety of angles and contexts.
There are too many curators whose work I deeply admire to mention their names, both peers and predecessors of mine, however I feel that my own practice is mostly inspired by the artists I work with, and by my own life experiences.
The role of the curator is continuously changing. Could you describe what it means to be a curator today?
I can talk about what being a curator means TO ME today, certainly cannot assume this being an existential truth for all curators practicing today.
Over the years my interest and research have developed around two main areas: the intersection between art and science and how they have informed each other since the beginning of time, and how artists and cultural producers respond to today’s environmental challenges.
After relocating to Miami in late 2012 I became frustrated with the 'one-off' curatorial model and felt the need to create something with a longer-term and more substantive impact in the real world, and this is what led to the creation of ARTSail, the platform I co-founded and currently run. Curating today for me has overlapped with my role as an environmental activist and ocean advocate.
Tell us about the latest exhibition or project that you curated.
I am preparing the third edition of the World Ocean Weekend, June 3-4 2023, during which we will present a sound-work and series of art flags designed by artist Marina Zurkow, and community ocean murals executed under the leadership of artist Linda Cheun and Jamie Nolan, in collaboration with youth from underserved communities in Miami-Dade County.
I am also working with artist Jan Mun on a project we're developing for Mass MoCA in North Adams, which involves bioremediation and community engagement, a practice that the artist has explored for years. Lastly in collaboration with a European partner, ARTPORT_making waves, we are in the planning stage of a pilot project which will kick-off in early 2024 with an artist-residency exchange bringing artists from Venice to Miami and vice-versa to explore similarities and differences between the Venice Lagoon and the Florida wetlands.
What are you reading, watching, or listening to now, that is helping you to stay relaxed and positive?
Reading now The History of Love by Nicole Krauss and Interdependence, by Kriti Sharma. Binging on a fantastically well written Netflix series, The Diplomat, and I am a sucker for animal/nature documentaries. What keeps me positive and relaxes me most is doing sport in nature, whether it's open water swims and dives, or snowboarding and hiking in the mountains.
How long have you been part of IKT and how do you feel that it has benefited your curatorial practice?
I joined IKT in 2002, as a very young curator, hard to believe it's been more than 20 years!
Thank you Ombretta!
Learn more about Ombretta Agró Andruff: Website | Facebook | Instagram
Learn more about ARTSail : Website | Facebook | Instagram
Spotlight is a new series of short interviews, aiming to provide insights about IKT members, their curatorial practice and projects in which they are involved. The series is intended to boost members' engagement with the network and help them find new opportunities for collaboration.
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