Platform Glitch Aesthetics 2023

The PLATFORM GLITCH AESTHETICS is an open space for everyone who wants to learn more about the phenomena of Glitch Aesthetics. One aim of the Platform is to show the underestimated role of Concept Glitch Art as a moderator in transition processes. The exhibition GLITCH PHENOMENA 3.0 in the Digitalvilla (Hedy-Lamarr-Platz, Potsdam, Germany) with artifacts from Rosa Menkman, Nadja Marcin, Katrin Leitner & Isaac Sullivan gives a fascinating insights into the Alchemy of Glitch Art, Glitch Aesthetics, Glitch Feminism, Algorithmic Addiction & Detoxification and AI-Hallucination. Curated by IKT Member Verena Voigt GFZK e.V.


The PLATFORM GLITCH AESTHETICS is looking for digital glitch images that are committed to a socially critical art practice. The submissions will be included in a publication, whitch is entitled GHOST*S OF MY LIFE*S.

(1) We are looking for digital images that refer to the political upheavals and unrest of 2010-2011-2012, identify them in the past, present and future and thereby develop independent artistic methods of Glitch Art / Glitch Aesthetics.

(2) We are looking for concepts that deal with the topics of post-truth society, surveillance capitalism, BIG DATA, AI hallucinations, addiction to algorithms, climate crisis and species extinction, the struggle for livable territories, democracy movements and glitch feminism with methods of glitch visualize aesthetics.

(3) Special consideration should be given to concepts in which typography and glitch are brought into a special reflective relationship, comparable to emblematics.

Applications should include a description of the software used and, if relevant, the hardware, as well as a curriculum vitae. Extent: 2 pages.

Deadline: 15th July.

The Platform Glitch Aesthetics is supported by the Stiftung Kunstfonds NEUSTARTplus Platforms for Fine Arts & the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media (BKM).


Image Credits

  1. Rosa Menkman, JPEG from A Vernacular of File Formats, 2009-2010. 2023 Revisitation with hidden message in DCT. HOW NOT TO BE READ. Print.

  2. Isaac Sullivan, Echo Holdings x Mirrors, Alserkal Avenue, Dubai, 2021.

  3. Katrin Leitner, PFA_POST-FUTURISTIC-ARCHEOLOGY_BTP_Hexaginoc-Pictoglyphs-XL07_HUMAN BASICS, 2022. Ceramic, black clay, glated & fired.

  4. Nadja Verena Marcin, #SOPHYGRAY, HAL, 2023 (c) Nadja Verena Marcin & VG Bild Kunst.


I Hope This Message Finds You Well


Ron Laboray: Drawing and Time