Initiated and carried out by 40mcube, in partnership with the company Self Signal, GENERATOR is a certified, free professional training program for visual artists* and an international curatorial residency.

A committee of professionals made up of an exhibition curator or an art centre director, an artist, and a representative of 40mcube selects four visual artists each year, who have graduated for at least two years, and gives them the means to fully focus on their artistic practice for a period of seven months. They develop and deepen their research work, produce works, build their professional networks, and acquire the administrative, accounting, legal, and methodological skills specific to their activity. GENERATOR offers individualized support, a collective studio, financing, and privileged meetings with contemporary art professionals in France and abroad.

GENERATOR selects two or four curators each year for a one-month prospecting trip in Brittany. They meet artists and professionals who live there and write two texts on the work of the artists of the program. GENERATOR offers each of them a workspace, funding, and privileged meetings with contemporary art professionals in Brittany.

With the collaboration of the art centers La Criée (Rennes) and Passerelle (Brest), Frac Bretagne, the Archives de la critique d’art (Rennes), Documents d’artistes Bretagne, and a.c.b - contemporary art in Bretagne, this program combines and provides to young artists and curators the critical and technical skills gathered in Brittany, a dynamic territory composed of numerous contemporary art structures dedicated to the exhibition, collection, research, and publishing.

40mcube has been Qualiopi certified by AFNOR certification under the Training Actions category since 2020.

International residency for curators

Allowance and support

  • Research allowance and assignment of copyright: 2000 euros (before taxes)

  • Transport from and to the usual place of residence (by plane or train)

  • Providing accommodation

  • Providing a workspace with Internet connection


  • Meetings with professionals from the artistic scene in Brittany : artists, critics, curators, etc.

  • Research time. The curators can use the collection of the Archives de la critique d’art, the documentation of Frac Bretagne, the library of the University of Rennes 2 and the library of the European School of Art in Brittany.

Expectations towards the curators

  • Availability in Rennes for the duration of the residence

  • Writing two texts about the artists in the program

Residency period

  • One month : March 2th to March 27th, 2026


GENERATOR is based in Rennes, a university city that offers artists and curators an ideal working environment to develop their research.
Workspace : 40mcube
Appointments with the artists : studio visit or 40mcube

How to apply

Candidates must send:

  1. Presentation of the research.

  2. Catalogs and other texts may be included in the file.

  3. Covering letter.

  4. The administrative form (download form)

All documents must be sent by e-mail only, in a single PDF file that gathers all the elements.

In order to enable the proper management of your application, you should name your PDF file as follows: «LASTNAME_firstname_generator12_application_curators».

Your file must be sent with WeTransfer to this address:

Deadline: March 23th, 2025 - midnight.

There is no charge for submitting applications.

To learn more about this open call visit 40mcube website.

*Information about professional training for visual artists can be found on 40mcube website.


Curating in the Post-indexicality Era