Cameron Jamie. Shaking Traces

Cameron Jamie, Smokestack Rhythm, 2014–2015, gouache, pigment, oil paint, ink pastel on paper, Stefan de Jaeger, © courtesy of the artist and Bernier/Eliades Gallery, photo: Valentin Clavairolles.


October 1, 2022 - February 5, 2023
Museum der Moderne Salzburg, Rupertinum
Curated by IKT Member Tina Teufel.

Through his works on paper, his artist’s books, sculptures, photographs, performances, and films, Cameron Jamie has for some thirty years been exploring identity, psychological and physical transformations of the self, and the interrelationship between humans and nature. The exhibition at the Museum der Moderne Salzburg Rupertinum focuses for the first time on drawings, monotypes, lithographs, and ceramic drawings as well as his self-published artist’s books.


Symposium: Global Appalachia


OTHER MINDS – The Limits of Human Consciousness