IKT Congress 2024: Switzerland!

IKT, the International Association of Curators of Contemporary Art, held its 2024 Annual Congress and Post-Congress in Switzerland.

The Congress took place in Zurich and Bern from the 11th to the 14th of April, while the Post-Congress was held in Basel on April 15th. The itinerary included a rich array of activities, starting with an afternoon and evening program at Kunsthaus Zurich featuring exhibitions and a dinner reception. The following day in Zurich featured visits to artists' studios, followed by visits to various cultural institutions such as Cabaret Voltaire, Helmhaus, and Haus Konstruktiv. On the third day, participants traveled to Bern for a series of events at the University of the Arts Bern, including symposiums and student performances. The final day in Bern included visits to Kunstmuseum Bern, Zentrum Paul Klee, and Kunsthalle Bern. The Post-Congress in Basel featured visits to Schaulager, Haus der elektronischen Künste (HeK), Kunsthalle Basel, and Fondation Beyeler.

IKT Congress 2024
Visual recap

Let's revisit the 2024 Congress in Switzerland. We're excited to share a collection of event photographs, reflecting on the memorable moments and highlights from our gathering!