Spirit Level

"Spirit Level", a site specific project by artists Vibeke Mascini (The Hague, 1989) and Chaveli Sifre (Würzburg, 1987), is the sixth project of Underneath the Arches, a contemporary art programme that takes place at the archaeological site holding the remains of the Acquedotto Augusteo del Serino in Naples.
Curated by Chiara Pirozzi and Alessandra Troncone (IKT member), in collaboration with Associazione Aqua Augusta, "Spirit Level" addresses the complex life cycle of water as one of the most characteristic elements of the site, melting its symbolic, spiritual, and ephemeral aspects, and engaging with the enchanting space of the ancient Aqueduct.
Previous exhibitions of Underneath the Arches include site specific works by Arturo Hernández Alcázar (Mexico City, 1978), Hera Büyüktaşçıyan (Istanbul, 1984), Adrian Melis (Havana, 1985), Jumana Manna (Princeton, 1987) and a performance by Mary Zygouri (Athens, 1973). This project is kindly supported by Mondriaan Fund, the Embassy and Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Fondazione Morra.
On view: 18/10/2024 - 01/12/2024 | Acquedotto Augusteo del Serino, Via Arena Sanità, 5 - Napoli