Configurations of Time

Imagining Other Temporalities in the Artist Residency

by Angela Serino

We are excited to share that IKT member Angela Serino has released a new book, Configurations of Time. Imagining Other Temporalities in the Artist Residency.

This book offers an alternate lens to rethink how we process art—and life—inside residency time. If you have done a residency, or are going to take part in one; if you are passionate about supporting artists’ processes in the best possible ways; or if you are fascinated by theories of time and how artists have worked with time, then this project amalgamates many threads to help you arrive at possible future ways of thinking.

Looking beyond the conventional and managerial, Angela Serino sets out in search of what is put in motion by the experience of being in residencethat is not instantly visible or quantifiable. In a culture where the pressure to produce tangible results is paramount, Configurations of Time holds space for an environment that values process in its own right, unlearning and research. Finding inspiration from a wide range of artists’ works and conceptualisations of time in science and cultural theory, such as Carlo Rovelli, Lisa Baraitser, and María Puig de la Bellacasa, Serino looks at how time is spent in residencies through the different and overlapping concepts of space time, care time, and soil time.

Through speculative storytelling and fostered by analytical hypotheses and first-hand experiences, this book offers an alternative reference guide. It creates a highly poetic space, providing insights into the ethics of the residency field in today’s accelerated and contested times.

Available to buy from Set Margins.


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